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Friday nights in the Mists

General Discussion about anything even loosely related to Nordock
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Friday nights in the Mists

Post by MAB »

Let's speak treason here!

As you may know, I am an occasionnal player on an outstanding and great Ravenloft server called "Prisonners of the Mists" (see there website at and I'd very much like to play with you there once a week on Friday nights. They have a strong and active community and it is common to find 65 or so players on at the same time most of the day or night. Their roleplay is top notch, the server is beautiful (using CEP to enhance the 800 or so unique areas), the scripts allowing for things you would not have thought possible and active DMs handing out insane quests in long and well developped story arcs. Now this is not a server for the faint of heart. For those who are unfamiliar with Ravenloft, it is also called the "Demiplane of Dread". It is the D&D gothic horror setting and fear (as far as it can be experienced in a game) is what you can truly experience on that server.

Among the things to take into consideration:
* This server focuses heavily on roleplay. Leveling up is a slow affair, I,ve been playing there for a while now and I'm still only level 11. Granted though, I never focused much on gaining XP and adventuring for my char was more a side effect of Roleplay than anything. Still it is considered that it takes about 3 to 5 years for a dedicated player to reach level 20th.

* The server is wonderfully scripted. For instance the time clock actually works well, and seasons comes and go incidently determining what kind of flora an herbalist will find in the wild. Critters left alone will grow in number and strength over time. If too many players hunt down deers, the population of wolves will decrease due to the lack of food stock. Spawns are not triggered by set spawnpoints, you may be surprised anywhere and roaming pack of wolves will change area chasing deers (it is really neatly done). Badly injured creatures will always attempt to flee and lure you toward another bunch of monsters, follow them at your own peril.

* There is no ILR. It is a low-level magic, with focus on character skills. (I've seen a +2 weapon only once and it is extremely rare!). This may make you think that spellcaster rule supreme on this server? Think again. Magic on Ravenloft is reviled by the common folks (and many PC too) and using it in front of NPCs will affect your reputation, up to the point where you might even be chased out of town. Spellcasters learn to be cautious.

* Fear the night, don't explore alone. Vampires and Werebeasts do hunt where low level hangs out during day. Really... this server is murder for the unwary. If you die, you'll drop your gold and whatever you hold in your hands (you keep the rest). But the good news is that there is no XP loss when you are revived by a fellow PC. Play a drow, duergar or half-orc (named calibans there) only if you like being ruthlessly hunted down. It is after all a PvP server, yet you'll always be given RP and usually a chance to escape before they close in for the kill.

* You automatically get XP for chilling out around and rping. Thats a cool feature. The party mode is not used there (it is actually prohibited), you automatically get XP for being around others in battle. And you never know how much XP you get (be it in battle or otherwise). It is only when you rest that you'll be given a general idea of how far you are from leveling.

There are so much more things about this server that makes it unique and wildly different that it has t be tried. After a week it really grows on you and makes the place wonderful.

The other good news, is that you don't have to know the Ravenloft setting. It is always a feature of the Mists to snatch unwary travellers from other planes and bring them to Ravenloft. With that in mind we could certainly come up with a nordock theme guild, suddenly thrust in an horrific new world.

Soo... who wants to come and play in the Mists with me?
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Re: Friday nights in the Mists

Post by Wulf »

What level do you start at? Personally I can't stand play before level 4. Totally hate it. I wouldn't mind never getting past level 10....but to play a long time just to get a playable difference between classes...not even a tiny bit of fun for me.
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Re: Friday nights in the Mists

Post by MAB »

It starts at level 2, but really its unlike any other server and there is fun to be had even at that level. It's not Nordock, where it is plain boring until level 5. And there is lot of people to help out newbies. Come and try what do you have to lose?
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Re: Friday nights in the Mists

Post by MAB »

Among the features that have been changed. Roguish types gets XP rewards for sneaking past critters undetected, disarming traps and unlocking doors. The traps effects go well beyond simple elemental damage, going from involuntary shapechange, sleep, confusion effects etc. Characters get an increased number of feats, this aims to widen the range of actions a character can make and balance the module otherwise than by flooding it with magic items.

For those whom know the Ravenloft setting. The mod allows to visit parts of the domains of Barovia, Démentlieu, Staunton Bluffs, Hazlan, Har'akir, Perfidius (an home made domain). The domain of Sithicus is supposed to be introduced soon.
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Re: Friday nights in the Mists

Post by Brainley »

I work on my blacksmithing apprenticeship on Friday nights; however, I'd be willing to stop by on the nights it gets cancelled due to weather.
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Re: Friday nights in the Mists

Post by berylgreen »

Unfortunately, my Friday nights are booked. But at least I am roleplaying! :D
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