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CNR yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:16 am
by Richard_Uther
As you guys know, we are revamping the mod with the CEP and a lot more. New areas, new quests, new everything except for the world wich will remain the world you know and love. Don't fret.

However, right now there are some tough choices to make, it's just me and Widard working on it while Raradra breaths down our necks like she usually does and it's creepy. So, would you guys want the CNR crafting system implemented or not? It'll be a pain in the ass to implement, but for me it'll be worth it. It's up to you.

Re: CNR yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 8:49 am
by Xillie
My most direct advice would be one on a more basic level; allow me to give it:

Turning the module into a CEP module will most probably be of most impact, therefor I think it would be very wise to make this step as early as possible.

Even with the best possible intentions, a gazillion things can go wrong and Im not sure if the League of Paranoid Powergamers have enough tranquillizer in stock for that. And I'm not even talking about that "module balance" thing....
Even more general, you "must" involve the community to allow to grow this slowly, naturally into something robust.....start off steps...

Also, DONT FORGET about module stability that only becomes apparent when you actually run the module with database and huge vault for a few days and active players......producing a "perfect" module that turns out to be unstable in alpha is a sad thing...

Maybe it can be scheduled so that beta-versions of the (cepped) module run at given times, with or without the official vault? Beta testing would then be about hunting bugs and unbalances.....opinions on choices should be a matter of rigid DM choices or forum polls....Especially on the CEP part I wouldn't risk working on a CEP nordock that hasnt been tested thoroughly....

Stability, exploitability.....two very important reasons to involve (onslaught of the) the playerbase :twisted: .
Also, of course, it would allow for preliminary diplomatic feedback :mrgreen: .........beta server with clear instructions.....
I think I've repeated myself enough at this point.

On CNR, what is it and what will its role in Nordock be?
If its goal is to add options absent in ATS crafting, I'm all for it. Often wondered whether an ingredient based potion brewing may bring more fun to do at lowlevel. Need bit more info...


Re: CNR yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:01 am
by olddog
Whatever gives you the least headaches. So nay.

However, I'm not a crafter so I imagine those that are would enjoy more options.

Would be good to have a easy way to modify clothing looks for a fee. CEP add's a lot to the mix.

Re: CNR yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:01 pm
by Wulf
Would this be replacing or be added alongside the ATS system?

Re: CNR yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:34 pm
by Richard_Uther
@Xillie: CNR is the crafting system used in Nadoh. It's basically the one we have but on crack, so to speak. A lot more options, like cooking, enchanting, weapon coating and things like that. The rest of your concerns should go on a different thread, we are aware of them and we'll obviously adress them once we have something ready.

@Olddog there's no such thing as least headaches, we're working on a clean module. That means that even if we keep the current crafting system, we'd still have to re install it from scratch.

I know that according to our classic policies, DMs shouldn't give out information, but I reckon in this case we can make an exception to the rule: Forget about the current module and how it works. What we're doing is not just adding CEP and tweaking things around, it's a completely new monster. That means anything, and I do mean anything is possible. Switching to CNR doesn't mean more work, it'll be the same. This is the first of many votes to come. Stop thinking about how hard It'll be for us to do it and become selfish, just think whether you like a feature or not. And by all means if you want something to be added, just add a thread for it. Do you want some My little pony flying unicorns to travel around? Make a post suggesting it. I'm not saying we'll implement them, but we'll certainly look at the idea and talk about it before we figure it's a retarded idea to include my little pony in the game. We're revamping the module so you, me, my grandma and maybe even Donald Trump can get a new kick out of it, so it's up to what you guys and gals want.

Re: CNR yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:49 pm
by Richard_Uther
@Wulf We're looking into a way to have both ATS and CNR running together, but I don't think it can be done because of database conflicts. This is something you need to keep in mind, even if we keep ATS, we're revamping it so things work correctly. That means that either way you'd be starting your crafts from scratch. (I reckon we'll have some DM freebies so you guys don't feel like you wasted your time, switching the crafting or not)

Re: CNR yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:52 pm
by widardofodd
Richard_Uther wrote:We're revamping the module so you, me, my grandma and maybe even Donald Trump can get a new kick out of it, so it's up to what you guys and gals want.

Damn it, Rich! You outed me. Believe me, I'm really Donald Trump, and I have been this whole time.

Re: CNR yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 4:19 pm
by Richard_Uther
If you haven't insisted on the fact that your hair isn't fake, I wouldn' have called you out!

Re: CNR yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 7:27 pm
For the uninformed please, in short, describe the differences that I, as a player, who was a pretty extensive armor and weapons crafter, using the old system will experience with the new system. Time wise and quality wise or other wise...Thanks,

Also will it allow me to craft hair like Donalds/Widardofodd's...if so I am ALL IN!!


Re: CNR yay or nay?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:15 am
by Richard_Uther
As a player you will not see any huge differences other than you'd get more options. To give a quick example, since you mention weapon crafting, rather than just making a Verdicite sword, you can make a simple iron sword... then coat it with with verdicite for the acid bonus. It really adds flexibility to the crafting system because you can mix and match stuff together-

As for the Trumpeter wig rare item? I'm working on it.