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Devestating Critical

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Re: Devestating Critical

Post by Xillie »

Personally, I find the fact that attack rolls are not in the calculation the main weakness.

Most fighter feats get more successfull with high attack rolls/bonus.

Fortituding vs attack rolls would of course be even way more rediculous than it is now, so Im not proposing that. Im pointing at the problem that the calculation is the same for all rolls.

If you manage to score a critical with on your last and lowest attack of the round with a super cruddy number just because the enemy has low AC, the enemy still saves against 10+halflevel+strbonus.

Somehow attack roll and perhaps even weapon size should be included (like the other combat feats).....where only criticals with high attack rolls at high level with high str get the DC into numbers that are challenging to fortitude.......

or discipline since most other combat feats take that skill to resist. Discipline can also be increased beyond fortitude, though it would leave non-discipline classes even more chanceless than they are now. Who knows it originally was discipline and they changed it to give nondiscipline classes a chance.

This (including attack roll+bonus in calculation) would favor the pure fighter (with greatsword for example) with less attacks per round, less critical range but higher attack scores than for instance dualwielding munchkin builds that do not have highest attack bonus but go for "exploiting" having as many attacks per round and largest crit range as possible. A crit on a low and last roll of the round would yield a very low DC that would be very survivable.

Only allowing devcrit rolls on succesfull criticals with the FIRST ATTACK OF THE ROUND .....could be an option.......but maybe we can disect the calculation more to reveal unbalance in the numbers.


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Re: Devestating Critical

Post by Beard »

If you think adding your attack roll + the existing DC as extra damage for Dev Crit that'd work nicely I think, another idea to think about.
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Re: Devestating Critical

Post by Valikar »

Most servers have the feat completely disabled. Our 'founders' disliked the idea of departing from traditional pnp and as such rarely changed spells and skills to be balanced. Greater Sanctuary, went from good already to completely unbalanced in the flick of a wrist because it was 'more in line with pnp'. Darkness was never changed to a more reasonable effect and instead I had to continuously ban people who exploited its effect. Why, because pnp.

We need people to realize that if one feat is the driving force behind your character and without this singular skill your character can't defeat encounters, we've failed you as designers. There are alternatives. We can afford you more specialized gear, spell-like abilities, trinkets, crafting.. any number of things can balance out what you think you have lost by not feeling epic. This argument extends even to casters, missile storm, storm of vengeance and so on. These skills are not where they need to be. Comparing yourself as a class to other classes in nwn is asinine anyway, the game should be balanced on groups not on solo missions. This is where I do agree with pnp, one class is always at a disadvantage in a fight so why not bring some friends and have your angles covered.
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Re: Devestating Critical

Post by Beard »

^ This
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Re: Devestating Critical

Post by Gxtun »

Devastating Critical should be left "as-is". However, If you have to make a change, the feat should not work unless the character has 35 levels.
Think of it as "ILR" for feats. Is this a possible route?
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